Glorious Sunshine Part 20


She wonders how it feels to truly be in love.

Ever since she reunited with Sumire, she wonders if she was ever truly in love with Kurata Shouta. Who recently broke up with her. She knew it was coming eventually, but when she received a text message. She felt annoyed. At the very least, he could have met up with her in person. Doesn't she at least deserve that much?

Then again, she has been feeling nothing but pain for a long time now. So maybe it's better this way. She recalled something Nakara told her regarding Sumire's feelings towards Terashima Yuhi.

 'Her eyes were shining bright just like the main characters in a shoujo manga. And she walked like she was floating on air. And I think their was flowers somewhere.. Though it's a gorgeous fairytale like scene, it's so unlike her that it scared me'

Her sweat dropped, now that she thinks it through. Nakara isn't the only one who noticed that.