My Beautiful Monster Prologue Part 2

Norah felt a pair of hands cover her eyes. "I said not to look Norah."

She turned to her husband and sobbed. "W-what, what is going on Lex? Tell me."

Her husband averted his gaze but Norah raised her voice. "I hope you haven't forgotten Alexander, but this is my Kingdom too."

With the use of his full name, Lex turned to her and slowly started to explain everything. It turned out the cloaked figures she had been seeing around the last time she was in town were part of a religious group of individuals who claimed devotion to the gods and goddess. This isn't unusual, there are many places of worship around town, small shrines.

But Lex explains to her how these cloaked figures have taken over an abandoned estate on the edge of town, and set up 'a holy ground.' 

"Weren't we supposed to demolish that manor and use the land for several more homes?"