My Beautiful Monster Part 11


'I may have stolen her away, but I have every intention of giving her back when I have finished dealing with the pest issue. I can't cause problems for her when she eventually returns.' There are already so many people who dislike her, for reasons I do not understand.'

Contrary to what Sumire's circle believes. He has nothing to do with those rumors. In fact, he is still trying to find out where those rumors came from. It's not hard to guess who started them, aside from him there are only two others in the criminal world who has as much power as he does. Considering when the rumors started, it's easy to pinpoint who it is. But, Urasaba Suigetsu. Sumire's grandfather covers his tracks very well. It isn't easy to get evidence against him. 

"Also, there are places in the manor that could use some work. Would you mind if I did some decorating?"

"Not at all, just stay away from the west wing."