My Beautiful Monster Part 26


After making up with her, Lucifer made sure to be more attentive to her needs. He also made sure to stay clear of the harem. Although that led to reports about Elena causing a fuss because she couldn't see him. Lucifer sighed deeply, she knew that one was getting a bit clingy. But he found it convenient to have her around because she offered more blood than his other offerings. If she continues making a fuss like that, he may have to dismiss her. 

It would be a shame to search for another person who is willing to give a lot of blood. For now he is fine because he has Sumire but when she returns- Lucifer sighed deeply. He hasn't thought about it yet. However eventually he will have to return her.

For now there are more pressing matters. Lucifer's gaze fell on the man in front of him. Ibuki Suigetsu.

"I hear my granddaughter is here."

Lucifer frowned. "Where did you hear that from?"