My Beautiful Monster Part 34


Never did she think she would meet a person that would test her limits as much as Mashima Toh does. It was very difficult for her to concentrate with Mashima giving her those predatory looks. There were times where she thought that Mashima would stroll over and take her in front of everyone else. Akane stepped away from the meeting room in a daze. There was no way she could focus on that meeting with Mashima sitting right next to her! What was with those seating arrangements? 

She shakes her head and enters the bathroom to splash some water on her face. But, the moment she was inside, a hand shot out and pulled her into one of the stalls.

Before she could even react, she felt a pair of heavy and hungry lips on hers. The owner of those lips had her backed against the wall, one hand on her thigh trailing towards her core. It was Mashima. They kissed for a good few minutes before Mashima drew back.