My Beautiful Monster Part 82


It's similar to that time where she can't control her emotions. 

'I hate him.'

'He is the only one I can't forgive.'

Sumire placed her hand on her head hearing the voices in her head. Unlike the previous times, she couldn't brush these voices away so easily. She feels her breathing become unsteady and the once clear room was now a blurry set of shapes. She must have crouched down on the ground at one point because when she could finally focus on something. It was on a familiar warmth, and silver hair.


"What's wrong beautiful? Are you hurt anywhere?" Toh glances over at Lucifer. "It's not the connection is it?"

"T-Toh that-"

She needs to find out who that person is and yet it feels like there is a rope around her throat preventing her from speaking.

Toh gently caressed her back and then leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead. "Ssh, take deep breaths beautiful."