My Beautiful Monster Part 87


Following morning.

Bathing in the creek has become a regular thing for both of them. But even so, it doesn't stop her feeling nervous. It's during moments like this where she can get a proper look at his body.

When they make love, she finds it hard to look anywhere but his face. Truly, Lucifer's body is a work of art. It's the body of a warrior god. It's not hard to see why all those women jump on her husband. If she was in their position, she would probably do the same.

Sumire shakes the inappropriate thoughts from her head. Sometimes she thinks there is something wrong with her. The desires she has towards Lucifer isn't normal. But, whenever she discusses this with him, he always seems delighted.

Her gaze fell on his injuries. "This may scar permanently. We should find some better medicine."

Lucifer kisses her shoulders softly. "You are the only medicine I could ever need."

"Mmmm, but you should still rest."