My Beautiful Monster Part 113


When she woke up she did feel really sleepy- Aoi-san mentioned that time in the space and the real world differ. But, she hadn't realized how much time. This is bad, she has already lost three days. 'I can feel it, now that I am the main soul in this body. This child will be born soon.' When this child is born, her time will be up.

Sumire didn't dwell on it for too long when she realized what Jacks just said.

"Us?" Sumire repeated and Jacks beamed as she continued. "Do you mean-?"

"The others are here too." Jacks explained.

Sumire's eyes brightened. "Will I be able to see them soon?"

"I'll send word that he is allowing visitors now. Gosh, it's been way too long."

Her gaze softens. "It really has." She has missed Jacks, Elza and Lyra. Aside from Jacks, the other two never stepped into the cycle of reincarnation. 

Jacks grinned. "I see you two still like public sex."