My Beautiful Monster Part 121


"Technically, Norah is dead already." Jacks pointed out. 

Lucifer glared and Jacks coughed. "I think she will be fine. Sumire-chan did survive getting her heart ripped out, if that didn't kill her then her body is clearly sturdier than most."

She only survived that because he used his life force on her, but Jacks doesn't know that. 

His thoughts break off seeing Lyra exit the room.

"How is she? Is it almost done?"

Lyra clicked her tongue annoyed. "Alex, you know it's only been a few hours. Even though modern day technology helps speed up the delivery. We don't have the proper equipment here-"

"Should I ask Toh to get the equipment? Will that make it better?" Lucifer asked trying to peek over Lyra's shoulder. But, the girl was doing a good job blocking her view.

'Calm down my love.'

Hearing Norah's voice in his head he froze.