This is me Part 5


Yuhi's silence was terrible but what was even worse were the words that left Yuhi's lips afterwards. None of the multiple theories he had regarding why Lucifer wanted Sumire was correct. He didn't even come close. Not once did the thought of past lives cross his mind. It shouldn't surprise him, after all, they do live in a society where evolved humans exist.

"So, you two really are fated."

Yuhi laughed. "That's what you get from my words?"

Hino sighs. "Well, it's a lot to take in. But, I suppose it makes sense. When Sumire first came to the facility, you were the first one to get close to her. There had been other newbies in our group previously, but you never treated them the way you did her."

"I guess I was quite obvious."

"When did you two die in your last lives?"

"Roughly our mid twenties, why?"