This is me Part 13


She has such beautiful skin, scared or not. He finds everything about her perfect.

Sumire's body tensed when he placed his hand on the scars.


"I know they are old scars, but do they still hurt when you touch them?"

"Sometimes." Sumire admitted. She laughs weakly. "It's okay Toh, being in the underworld means getting scars. No matter how strong I am, being in this industry means I will get hurt."

"You never told me exactly how you got these."

"Mm, they are whip lashes from when I got kidnapped."

'By kidnaped, is she talking about the incident after he left or the one before? Because if it was the former, then I would feel incredibly guilty.'

"It happened before I met you."

Toh sighed in relief and Sumire giggled. "You don't have to feel so responsible with everything that happens to me."

"It's hard not to."