This is me Part 39


'I got over excited and rushed over to hug Toh, but thankfully the atmosphere is too good for anyone to comment about it.' It's good that Toh isn't teasing her about well, her obviously letting him touch her more than necessary. Sumire didn't plan to stay any longer than necessary. She wanted to get to the bar, the other guys in akagumi said they would celebrate with her. She left Huan and the twins with Atushi for that reason too.

'I just want to hug my kids and celebrate with the guys I see as my family.'

When she gets the message from Hino saying there wasn't a need for him to pick her up. Sumire immediately understood. She closed her eyes briefly, and felt something. A tug, a thread leading her to something, no to someone.

Thankfully Toh had to take a call, the moment he turned away she bolted in the other direction.


Yuhi is here.

She can feel him so close by.