Tokyo Illusion Part 11


Then again if Aki told her to rest directly, Sumire would have been suspicious. 

"She was really suffering then, and I struggled to help her."

"You did? But you got her to smile." Yuhi pointed to the words on the bottom of one of the pages.

"Yes, but it was only when I spoke about my dreams or if it had to do with you." Toh trailed off. "It was honestly a challenge, and in the end my efforts were temporary. She completely fell apart after Mamoru's accident."

Yuhi knew about this since Sumire mentioned it and Mashima certainly recorded it properly, even the words he used, calling her a doll.

"Why did you say that to her?"

Toh exhaled deeply. "I'll admit, I wasn't in a good place myself, mentally anyway. I don't know why I said that to her, but her reaction hurt me more. She hugged me and said that she understood."