What I have always wanted


Perhaps it was because of her former status as a goddess of life, and later on a goddess of death. But, she felt life and death more closely. In the past year, she has started to regain some powers she had in her other lives. The power of dreams. 'I have always had odd dreams, but I never understood the reason why.' Her dreams in the past are nothing in comparison to the ones she has been getting. Dreams, no nightmares of her loved ones who she lost.

Nightmares of the children that were killed. At first she didn't remember how they died. But she does now, she remembers going to the garden to call them all for a meal, only to see the sight covered in blood. She remembers her screams, and Lennon frantically rushing over to stop her from going to them. Her children, her children murdered in cold blood.

Murdered by the man who used to be her everything.