I don't understand


Just thinking about it gave her a headache. Even after they retrieved the weapons, she gave strict instructions that nobody touches them let alone use them. It wasn't an easy case, and they certainly struggled getting the weapons back. But, it felt wrong to her. It felt wrong that they'd find the weapons unused and simply being stored in a warehouse. There is a higher chance that the weapons were tampered with, after all the enemy side had them for a good three weeks.

"I read the reports, I wish you told me so I could help."

"You just returned then my dear, it wouldn't have been right." Sumire mumbled.

Moreover, the destruction she left when she went to retrieve them? 'I definitely don't want him to see that.'

"But, a chance to work with you on a large case is rare. Since it's still technically unresolved, you'll let me help you won't you?"

"It's hard to refuse you my dearest."