This can't continue


A few days go by with nothing happening, but Yuhi knew Sumire was secretly slipping out of bed every night to practice more. Moreover she has been hiding her composition notebook from him. 

'She doesn't have to be so secretive about it. I knew she was Angel's Ria from the very beginning. I will admit her disguise is good, but one of Sumire's distinct features is her amethyst coloured eyes. She is probably the only one in the entire of Japan with eyes like those.'

Not to mention her voice.

There were too many factors that exposed her identity. The only reason he didn't confront her about it is because he knew it would have affected her. So, he secretly went to watch her concerts.

Today was the day of the opening ceremony for the trio tournament. The ceremony isn't till later, so Takeyama filled his morning up with other jobs. He was in the lounge looking over the questions for his next job.