It's enough


Sumire sighs. "Sometimes my dearest could use some pointers from all of you who liked me. He can be so slow, and I literally have to spell things out for him."

Masaru chuckled. "I'm sure it's because you're expecting him to guess what you want." He trailed off. "If your reforming Angel, that means Kanagwa Ren is coming back right?"

Sumire nodded. "Mm, I haven't spoken to him yet. I heard he has a child and is living with the child and his mother."

Masaru blinked. "Now that's a surprise. Kanagwa really likes you."

"People can move on, you know? It's been a really long time. Time moves on."

"Indeed but your unforgettable lady." Masaru trailed off. "Why don't you call him?"

"I just wonder if this is the right choice. He already has a family. If I ask him to come back here and his family doesn't want to come? It would be too cruel to separate them."