It was a lie


'I understand why he thinks that way. I suppose it is easy to misinterpret the song lyrics, since it's a song about longing. But, surely he must know by now how difficult their break up was for her?' It would be easy for her to spell it out to him and tell hi, the truth. But perhaps it's better for him to misunderstand. She shouldn't give Toh anymore false hope. Even if her soul is crying out for her to tell the truth, to not lie to him.

Sumire paused in mid-thought, would this be considered a lie? 

Sumire extends her hands out and brushes her fingers across his hair. "You know, you and Futaba being sick one after the other makes me worried that Yuhi-san has been overdoing it too."

Toh laughed bitterly. "Maybe you should leave and check for yourself."

"This is the first time I have heard you taunting me."

"Maybe I'm tired of pretending beautiful."