We can be happy


"Don't blame yourself, you had your own life. I'm actually surprised you had so much time to spy on me mr spirit King."

Yuhi exhaled deeply. "My retainers used to get on my case for disappearing so often. But it was worth the sacrifice. Even if we couldn't be together, I just wanted to see you."

"You sacrificed so much my dear." Sumire extended her hand out to caress his cheek. "We can be happy in this life, truly happy. So, just be patient with me for a bit longer."

Yuhi has done far too much for her.

She can't let him down.

Yuhi continued to frown. "I don't want you to feel obliged to stay with me. This is part of the reason why I didn't tell you about our past lives sooner. I didn't want you to think I was trying to-"

Sumire cuts him off as she leaned forward and kissed him. It started off as a gentle kiss. But, the emotional talk leads to their heightened emotions.