Prisoner (7)


He always feels a stab of guilt when he thinks about the time they spent away from one another. Going to the US was indeed necessary, especially the second time around. But, it doesn't erase the guilt he feels about leaving her alone.

"But, I think you're trying to tell me something." Yuhi said.

All the paintings Sumire made were of different places in town.

Sumire pouted. "We haven't gone on a date for a while! I know you want to pamper our kids but their mother needs spoiling too!"

Yuhi chuckled. "That's because I have something planned for if either of us win the trio tournament." He strokes her hair.

'I do plan to take her on that walk, but I have something on a grander scale in mind.'

"You do?" Sumire's eyes brightened. 

"Yeah, so just hold out for a bit longer. Okay beloved?"

"Mmm, alright I guess I can forgive you."

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone."