Do my words mean nothing?


To think this day came. If someone asked her a few years ago if Terashima Yuhi would make a good parent. She would say no. Even before Yuhi-san became depressed, she thought he was quite reckless and carefree. He would laugh like he didn't have a single worry in the world, but when he was alone. She would see the shadows that haunted him. She used to think, how can a person who is surrounded by so much darkness and pain ever truly accept anyone? 

It wasn't lost on her, how he didn't stay to chat with the other members. Even though he was popular. He mainly kept to himself, and even with her. He only accepted her coffee invitations twice. Then again, she later on realized it was because Yuhi-san didn't like having a meal in the Holy Knights dining room. Because whenever he would turn down those invitations, he would invite her to his apartment instead.