Thread (13)


Toh's face turned pale, because he knew. He knew if he didn't do this, the bastard would find a way to hurt his mother. When he first heard his father was alive, he knew his mother would be too and Mirako confirmed it. What his dear brother failed to inform him was their parents no longer being married, and his mother being reduced to the role of a mistress. 

"Why, her?" Toh tried to remain as calm as he could. But, the reality was, he was panicking inside.

How on earth can he get out of this situation? Forget not being able to stand the other woman. But, he can't do this to Sumire. Not now, not after everything that has happened.

'I know her feelings now, to be engaged is wrong. I can't do that to her. Even if it's an arranged one, she will be uncomfortable.'

"The Nagawa family has something special in their blood line. If we combine it with your powers then it would benefit our family."