Try me


How could Yuhi-san be so careless? It's not like him to do things without thinking it through. Between the two of them, the careless one has always been her. More importantly, how could he put Toh's life at risk? Hasn't Toh already sacrificed enough for them?

'No, I can't do this mission now. I should turn back, and head to star town now-'

'I'm fine beautiful, you don't have to come here.' Toh spoke up almost as though he sensed her anger.

'But still, it's not safe. 

'I'll just take a further look around and then go back out. Is there anything you want?'

Sumire bit her bottom lip. 'There is an old music box with an amethyst-'

'Yes, I saw it. I figured it was yours, so I already took it.'

'And an old doll-'