A challenge


'I have heard them say so many disgusting things right in front of my face.' But, she can never get used to it. How can anyone get used to girls practically stripping themselves in front of her boyfriend? How many times has she caught fans and other female artists trying to kiss Yuhi?

Sumire sighs. Females can be quite scary. Even if they know someone is taken, they will make a move. Rather, she has noticed especially in the entertainment industry, how females tend to think guys who are taken are more attractive.

"Didn't he just say he was doing this for the girl over there?"

"Is she pretty?"

Sumire tugged on her hood, making sure it was obstructing others from seeing her face. Even if the technology seems old in these parts. Her amethyst coloured eyes give away her identity too much. She hasn't met a single person with eyes the same colour as hers.