I really love you


"While we don't have to be vocal about our sex life. We are a couple Sumire, and everyone knows what couples do. Idols belong to everyone, they shouldn't be allowed to date. Despite that unspoken rule, there are many idols in relationships these days. Most fans just suck it up, or pretend their idols are single. In our case, we have children already." Yuhi said as he started to massage her sore feet.

"So, your saying-"

"Everyone knows what the process of making children is beloved."

Sumire's face heats up. The process of making children huh? When she first found out she was pregnant with Kyoko and Satomi. She wasn't surprised. Since before then Yuhi-san had been jumping on her a lot. 

"Say my dear?


"You don't have to do this." Sumire said.

Yuhi chuckled. "I think I do. I 'm simply spoiling my wife."