Besides, she really doesn't want to let him go so soon. It's been five entire days. Although they have had longer separations, like when he went to the US, twice. This is different. Ever since Yuhi returned from the US, they have been practically glued together. He even adjusted his schedule so he could come home early.

Seeing his sad puppy-like eyes when she mentioned leaving. Sumire leaned forward and kissed him.

Yuhi groaned. "You're okay kissing like this in public?"

Sumire giggles. "But you're right my dear, nobody is around. Besides, it's been five days. Do you know how needy a girl can get?"

Yuhi raised his eyebrow. "I know what most women are like, but you're very different Sumire. You have never been like a normal woman."

Sumire tilted her head. "I suppose that's true. Hmm, if it's my need. I guess I could describe it to you. I am very picky after all." She leans forward and whispers filthy words in Yuhi's ear.