Starless Night (15)


"Welcome home!" Sumire flung her arms around him dramatically.

His panic from a few seconds ago vanished.

Of course she is here, of course she wouldn't leave.

But, on his way. It didn't stop his mind from wandering, didn't stop him from thinking that he would return to an empty house. It didn't stop him from thinking that she would choose her work over him. Seeing how happy she is to see him now, Yuhi wondered why he even had such silly thoughts.

Sumire already picked him over her work, she won't suddenly go back on her words.

"Hey, I got a few boxes."

Sumire squats his arm. "You didn't."

Yuhi smirked. "Check the bag."

'I didn't intend to get that many, but talking to Shin distracted me.'

Sumire did so, and her face colours as she mumbles hooligan before taking something out of the bag.

"Ooh! Pudding."

"I thought you could use something sweet that isn't me."