Investigation Team


When she told her that Lucifer sent someone to assist, she simply assumed it would be Toh. Or even Ru. There would be nobody else Lucifer would entrust to help her, and Sumire knew he needed Jacks around.

She couldn't believe this. Out of everyone--Eli is her backup? He really joined the investigation to do what protect her? It's not like him at all. This is the guy who always uses extreme methods to get what he wants, even if it means hurting her. Underneath that smile he always wears. 

Sumire followed Eli down the corridors of the station, once they were out of earshot, she turns to Eli angrily.

Eli chuckled. "What's this queen? I didn't think we had the sort of relationship where you would pin me against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing here?

"Protecting you."

Sumire shook her head. "But, I thought-"

"Mashima was supposed to come. But Lucifer believed it was too risky."