His girl


"I see, so she thinks she can do whatever she wants huh? I'm usually very polite to females, even the ones from the black alice organisation. However, I do have a bottom line and it seems Miyazawa has no morals anyway."


"Just because I'm like this, doesn't mean I can't unleash hell on her. To do this to one of our own, to one of our family. She has certainly signed off on her death." Atushi said coldly.

With a few more threats, and Atushi reassures him that he won't escape the hospital. Atushi eventually left, and Yuhi turned his attention to the TV, as he waited for Nagawa.

ANGEL - Climbers High

The place I believed I could reach was so high, so distant

The promise lost its sense of reality, and your words fade

My shadow grows detached from the crowd and my heartbeat has no intention to keep in step with others