A different you (5)


Toh exhales deeply. "Beautiful, do you really understand? He's been forcing yourself on you. Your letting him what rape you, because you feel bad for him?"

"I-" Sumire looked down. "I just don't want to hurt him anymore. Ren sacrificed a lot already."

'And I can't return his affections despite his sacrifice, so this is the least I can do for him.'

If she can't give him her heart, won't her body do? Or is that not enough either?

With her shattered and fractured soul, perhaps giving herself up won't do.

Sumire suddenly felt Toh's lips on her eyelids, kissing away her tears as he pulled her into his arms.

"I won't tell Terashima, I understand after all. His recent counselling session with me showed that the incident with Miyazawa really affected him. So, I get why you want to keep it from him."

Sumire sobbed. "If he finds out-"