I don't know


After Toh left, Yuhi had to wake Sumire up. She's sweating a lot, 'She definitely has a fever, she needs food and medicine.'

"Beloved, beloved wake up." Yuhi said gently, shaking her.

It takes a few minutes, but she eventually stirs in his arms. Sumire takes one look at him and then their surroundings.

"Oh, I'm home?"

Yuhi nodded. "Toh brought you back, he said you asked him to take you to me."

Sumire nodded and wraps her arms around his neck. "Why haven't you kissed me yet? Or did you already when I was sleeping?"

'This girl, after what just happened. The first thing on her mind is flirting with me?'

Yuhi shakes his head. "I'll kiss you senseless later, but first-"He trails off. "You're so stupid, why did you do that?"

"I had to! She hurt you, she defiled you. How dare she!" Sumire said raising her voice.
