A form of love


For the next few days Yuhi stuck to simple touches he didn't cross the line once. She was also doing her best not to ask him to do anything more, because it would mean 'begging' for it like Yuhi said. 

But on the fifth day, Sumire finally snapped. She cornered him against the wall in the kitchen after breakfast.

"Don't you think you're being ridiculous?"

"Was it not enough food?" Yuhi said.

"Not the food!" Sumire exclaimed. "You haven't been touching me.

"I have? I kissed you earlier." Yuhi said confused.

"No you--" Sumire's cheeks colour realizing what she was asking for. Damn this, it isn't easy at all.

'I know it's silly, we have been dating for so long and we have already established that we had desires for each other long before we were officially together. But, I can't help it.'

Yuhi brushes his hands across her cheek and leans forward.

"Tell me."

"T-tell you what?"