Naked pictures

Lorito Dine In.

"Rebecca is such a bitch. You don't know how cunning and vicious that woman is." Stabbing the innocent steak with her fork, Melissa gritted her teeth. "God I hate that woman."

Patting her friends back, Ellie chuckled. "You gotta chill girl."

"Chill? That woman got no chills." Melissa hated Rebecca for infinite reasons. Apart from the fact that Rebecca looked down on her, Melissa hated how scheming and manipulative she was.

Shoving a piece of steak inside his mouth, Noah vigorously nodded his head. "Yeah she is sarcastic like Chandler-"

"Hey-" Ellie and Melissa yelled at the same time.

Dropping the fork on the plate, Noah gulped in nervousness. "Bing-"

Taking her fork close to Noah's neck, Melissa gritted her teeth. "Don't you dare Noah Stewart."

Glaring at Noah, Ellie snapped, "How can you just compare Channy baby with anyone you feel like? This is insane."

Raising his hands in the air, Noah tried to defend himself. "Woah ladies at least wait until I finish my sentence. I was saying that aunt Rebecca is sarcastic just like Chandler Bing but in a bad way. Chandler is funny right? But aunt Rebecca is cruel."

Retrieving her hand back, Melissa nodded her head and satisfaction. "A tiny word against Channy baby and you were so dead Noh Stewart."

Wiping his forehead with a napkin, Noah murmured, "Crazy."

"So Mr Stewart never accompanies you for lunch?" Ellie inquired.

Melissa vigorously shook her head and chuckled, "The day Sebastian will join us for anything willingly, I'll offer my soul to the devil God."

"He sounds like an introvert and-"

Cutting Ellie off, Noah explained, "Oh no, an introvert is actually better than Sebastian. You see, an introvert doesn't talk much but at least hangs out with people sometime but Seb is even more dangerous."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you'll understand what I mean after you start working with him."

"What are you talking about? I don't even know whether I'll get this job or not," Ellie chuckled, after being late, falling down as soon as she entered the office, talking more than necessary and after calling her maybe-boss a gay, she honestly had no hope. Why would a perfectionist like Sebastian Stewart hire someone as clumsy as her?

Placing his fork down, Noah flashed a gorgeous smile and rubbed his hands together. "Okay, what will you give me if I help you get this job?"

"Anything you want." She needed this job that was willing to give up everything that she could.

Thinking for quite sometime, he grinned from ear to ear, "I want naked pics of Mel when she was a kid."

"You want what?" Ellie chuckled.

After hearing Noah's stupid demand, Melissa frowned. "You gotta be kidding me Noah. You see me naked everyday, why do you want a naked picture of me?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Noah explained, "Well, I don't know how you looked naked when you were small so-"

Without waiting for Noah to complete his sentence and completely ignoring Melissa's signals, Ellie gave him a thumbs up to seal the deal. "Done, I will give you all the naked pictures of Mel if I get this job."

"El, how can you do that? How can you sell my naked pictures off for a silly job?" Melissa couldn't believe that her best friend was willing to trade her naked photographs but she was more pissed at Noah for being such an ass.

"Relax Mel, I am trading them with your boyfriend so it's not a big deal right? It isn't like I am trading it with some kind of a cyber-serial killer or a psychopath." Ellie was willing to trade them only because it was Noah and she was pretty sure that she would've never agreed if it wasn't him. Okay, maybe she would because those were just naked pictures right? And it isn't like she is selling Melissa away.

Rubbing his hands together, Noah exclaimed, "Perfect, the job is one hundred percent yours. Just keep your thank you speech and the photographs ready."


Stewart Corporation.

"Hey Patricia, watcha doing?" Noah asked.

Giving him a weird look, Patricia inquired, "Seriously kid, what do you want from this old aunt?"

Placing his hand on his chest, he gasped, "Did I tell you how beautiful and young you are looking today? Oh my, only if I did not have a rule about not dating older women."

Raising her eyebrows in suspicion, she took off her glasses. When she placed her hand on her waist and glanced at her watch, Noah grinned, "I want to go through all the resumes that we accepted for Sebastian's assistant's post."

"And why do you want it?"

Patting his shoulder, Noah proudly stated, "Because I am a very responsible brother and I want to find an assistant for Sebastian as soon as possible. You know how badly he needs one right? How can he arrange his schedule, keep a note of them and also attend the meetings? Ahh how can I let him suffer like that?"
