
Massaging her temples, Ellie sighed. "I'll lose all my brain cells this way."

"Ahh don't worry babe, I'll get a bottle of milk for you everyday as a compensation." Pausing for a while, Melissa added, "Wait, a bottle won't do. I mean it's Sebastian so maybe a gallon-ahhh forget it, you need to keep a whole damn cow beside you all the time when you are working with him. He is weird."

Giving her best friend a sarcastic smile, Ellie placed her on her chest and gasped, "Oh thank you so much Mel for telling me that he is weird after I finished signing a contract with the company. You are such a loving and caring friend, Ahhh I feel so blessed."

Waving her hand on the air, Melissa raised her brows. "Too much sarcasm."

Ignoring her friend, Ellie started making the schedule for the day for her robotic boss.

Just then Noah entered the office and rushed towards Melissa. "I am so sorry hun, I got stuck with Seb. We were discussing something important so I am a bit late."

"It's okay babe, I was talking to El anyway."

Placing his hand on Melissa's shoulder when Noah started giving her a massage, Ellie raised her eyebrows and asked, "What is this now?"

"This? Oh this is my morning office shoulder massage." Melissa answered.

"Seriously? First the butt massage thing and now morning office shoulder massage, what are you both up to? What now do you even have a night belly rubbing thing?" Ellie asked.

Melissa widened her eyes in shock and gasped. "How do you know about our special night belly rub?"

"You gotta be kidding me?" Without waiting for their reply, Ellie added, "My crazy robotic boss and now your PDA, I'll go crazy one day for real."


Stewart mansion.

"Don't worry about the kids Rebecca, I'll take care of them." Rosy Stewart smiled and assured Rebecca who was about to leave for the airport along with Arthur.

Giving her a mocking smile, Rebecca said, "Well, why don't you take care of your son and his so-called girlfriend first? My kids are big enough to take care of themselves."

"Hmm, I think my son and his so-called girlfriend who by the way has a very beautiful name are doing just fine. They are happy and living a healthy life." Rosy added.

Picking up her handbag, Rebecca mockingly chuckled, "Huh, happy? Healthy life? You think that commoner will bring any benefits to Noah or to our family?"

"Melissa is bringing happiness in my son's life and that is what matters to me. You see Rebecca, our family doesn't lack my resources or connections so why do we have to rely on someone else for that? All that matters now is whether our kids are happy or not because if they are happy, the house becomes more cheerful and lovely." This wasn't the first time Rosy had low-key tried to make Rebecca understand not to interfere in her kids life anymore but as always, Rebecca retorted to Rosy's kind words.

"Are you trying to say that my kids are not happy?" Rebecca asked.

"No I-"

Cutting her off, Rebecca added, "My kids are doing okay. Well at least they haven't embarrassed me by getting romantically involved with a commoner or their lowly secretary. Ah wait a second, isn't Noah following in his father's footsteps?"

Without waiting for her reply, Rebecca mockingly smirked and left.

After Rebecca left, Rosy chuckled and helplessly shook her head.

"Done trying to change a rock into a piece of gold again, honey?" Samuel Stewart asked his wife.

Rosy chuckled and nodded her head. "Failed again but I'll try it again later."

When Samuel sighed and helplessly shook his head, Rosy added, "Well, whatever she said wasn't all wrong Mr Stewart, your son is indeed following your footsteps."
