Boner problem

Calvin hated commitments and had never been in a serious relationship with anyone. He had never been with a woman more than once but for some odd reason, he wanted to be with Ava and not just once, he was actually thinking of having a long time thing with her. He was willing to stay committed to her, for them but he had no idea whether she was willing to be with a womanizer like him.

Would she believe him if he said that he actually wanted to change and he genuinely wanted to be with her? Would she believe him if he said that he had always seen her in a different light and she was not just a fling for him? Would she give him a chance?

Kicking the table right in front of him out of frustration, Calvin groaned. Why would she? Why would she believe someone like him? And not just her, why would anyone believe that Calvin Lewis wanted to change for good and stop womanizing for a woman who was more precious and important to him than anybody else?

No wonder Ava ignored his calls, she might've completely shrugged him off thinking he was a jerk who had taken advantage of her.

Just then Mani, Calvin's assistant entered the office along with a glass of lukewarm water.

Placing the glass on the take, Mani was about to leave when Calvin stopped her. "Why would you bring me lukewarm water? You know I don't like it."

"Hmm boss that isn't for you, it's for Ms Stewart. "

He frowned and asked, "Ava?" When Mani nodded her head, he added, "Ava was here?"

"Ms Stewart arrived when you were in your meeting. She said that she will wait for you inside your office and she also asked me to get some lukewarm water for her."

Just then a loud 'BANG' startled them.

Gesturing Mani to leave, Calvin made his way towards his desk.

Squatting down, he sighed when he saw Ava sitting under his desk, rubbing her head which she had accidentally hit against the desk.

Stretching his hands towards her, he carefully helped her out.

Making her sit on his chair, he called Mani and asked her to get an ice pack.

"Let me see if there is any bump." Checking out the part she had been continuously rubbing, he asked, "Why would you hide like that?"

"I panicked when I you entered the office along with a woman and I didnt want to be seen so—"

Cutting her off, Calvin asked, " Why didn't you receive my calls in the morning?"

"I was with Sebastian and Noah in the morning when you called. I purposely did not answer your calls because I wanted to pay you a surprise visit but who would've thought that I would get a surprise instead."

When Ava chuckled, he sighed, "Right right, laugh and make fun of me."

She vigorously shook her head and pouted her lips. "I am not laughing, in fact—" wrapping her arms around his waist, she added, "I feel honoured that I got this legendary chance of witnessing the great Calvin Lewis turning a hot woman down and also savagely shaming her boobs. Oh my God, how lucky am I?"

Caressing her cheeks with his thumb, Calvin asked, "You do know why I did that right?"

Ava vigorously nodded her head and said, "Uh huh but don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your boner problem."

Tickling her stomach, he said, "Oh is it? And I will make sure that the tickling monster inside me doesn't let you off."

Pushing him away, Ava squealed and ran away while Calvin chased her behind.


Stewart International Group

Sebastian office.

Glancing at the watch, Sebastian sighed and tossed the documents that he was struggling to read since his afternoon meeting ended.

He had so many pending documents to read and approve but all he could think off was Ellie and her three days damn leave.

Shaking his legs impatiently and massaging his forehead, he slammed his desk in frustration. He didn't want to admit it but Ellie's absence was bugging him and he being the reason behind her absence was making him curse himself.

After a few seconds, he closed his laptop, grabbed his blazer and left his office.


Ground floor.

Looking at the empty office, Sebastian frowned. "Patricia, where are the employees? Why did they leave so early? It's not even five yet."

"Did you forget that there is a cyclone hitting our area in a couple of hours so we had let them leave early today? In fact, you were the one who approved it. You should go home early today as well, the cyclone seems to be a bad one."


Tapping his fingers on the desk when Sebastian kept on looking around, Patricia asked, "Do you want something boss?"

"Yeah, can I see Ellie Miller's form?" Sebastian asked.

"Sure." Taking out her form, she asked, "Do you need anything else?"

Looking at the form, Sebastian frowned, "Why isn't her address mentioned here?"

Patricia raised her eyebrows and said, "The address is right there."

"No, I mean her local address."

"And why do you want her address?" She asked.

"No specific reason, I just wanted to know." There was no way he would tell Patricia why he wanted her address.

"Hmmm, It's not mentioned in the form but I do know where she stays. "

"Where does she stay?"

Writing down her address in a piece of paper, Patricia added, "I hope you aren't going there to vent your left over anger and frustration on her."

Without saying anything, he shoved the paper inside his pocket and rushed out of the building.
