You are crazy

Sebastian frowned and asked, "Car?" 

"Mr Stewart, who were you talking to over the phone?" Officer hook inquired.

"I was talking to my mom, she told me that someone called her saying that I was in trouble." Massaging his forehead, Sebastian added, "I have no idea about the car or who called my mother." 

Taking out a picture, officer Hook asked Ellie, "Is this the car which was about to hit Mr Stewart?"

Looking at the picture, Ellie nodded her head, "Yes, It was the same black car." 

"The car ended up losing control and hitting an electric pole. The driver tried to escape but the locals detained him. He is in our custody right now and is being interrogated. We also checked the CCTV footage and it seems like Ms Miller is right, the car was targeting you." Officer Hook explained.

Pausing for a while, the officer asked, "So Mr Stewart, did you have any argument with any one recently or may be any suspicious business rival?"