I don't wanna know

Tightening his grip around her hand, Sebastian continued, "I'll do whatever you want me to without complaining about anything, I'll always listen to you and I'll never go on any dates."

Ellie frowned and inquired, "So are you planning not to take me for an official date ever?"

"What? No—I mean, you are an obvious exception. I was referring to other women or the dates that my mom might plan for me. I'll straightaway reject them all and never in my entire life see any other woman other than you." Though he was saying everything in a very rushed manner, he meant each and every word. Why would he ever see other women when he was lucky enough to be with the most amazing woman he had ever met?

Her heart bloomed and started dancing in joy when he added 'ENTIRE LIFE' in the whole sentence. Her anger just faded away and her heart warmed up with love for the handsome man standing right in front of her again.