Pure inetntions

Groaning and rolling on the ground in pain, Derek was on the verge completely of passing out. His nose was bleeding very heavily with all the double punching which made him feel very dizzy. 

Just then someone arrived and shouted, "What happened here? What did you do to the man?" 

Without wasting any time, Charlotte grabbed Brandon's hand and started dragging him away. "Run—"

"But the restaurant—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "Treat me a hot dog later, let's get out of here." 


Inside the car. 

Slumping on the passenger seat, Charlotte chuckled, "You are crazy." 

Shrugging his shoulders, he grinned, "And you really do punch hard." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "How is your hand? You looked like you were in pain a while ago."