Such a baby

Noah's parents' place. 

"Mom," Melissa exclaimed before running inside the mansion leaving Noah all by himself. 

"Ah there you are, I missed you so much Mel," Rosy beamed before giving her a hug. 

"I missed you too and sorry for not visiting earlier but it's all Noah's fault, in fact, he didn't even want to come today," Melissa complained. 

Scrunching his brows, Noah snapped, "Hey, that is a lie." 

"Oh shut up Noah, you are the one who is lying," Rosy chided him before walking inside along with Melissa. 

Patting his son's shoulder, Samuel sighed, "Its alright son, we get bullied all the time when they meet but you know who is going to be the real star of this place tonight?" Without waiting for Noah's reply, he added, "Sebastian and his girlfriend." 

"That is true and I have a feeling that mom is going to love Ellie," Noah smiled. 

"Ellie, what a sweet name." 


Inside the kitchen.