Super mad

"Okay now that was super rude," Charlotte stated while glaring at the door. 

Grabbing a fist full of her hair with both her hands, Ava groaned, "It's all my fault." 

"Why did you go there anyway?" Brandon inquired. 

"That bastard told me he wanted to end everything because it is creating problems for him as well so I just—" 

"So you believed him and agreed to have coffee with him?" When Ava sighed, Brandon snapped, "What is with you women and having coffee with other men? Oh wait, how could I forget? You people are allowed to have coffee with anyone you feel like because you are Homo Sapiens with a vagina. But human's with a penis can't because you women think that we are probably fucking the woman we are having a cup of expresso with. How is that even fair?" 

Scrunching her brows, Charlotte frowned, "Will you stop judging us?"