Quality time

Pinching his nose, she chuckled, "You already spend too much quality time with your girlfriend." 

"All I can say is it's not enough, I need more quality time with my girlfriend," he explained.

When he pouted his lips, she couldn't help but squeeze his lower lips. "Alright now stop making that face, I'll try to reschedule everything but right now we have a meeting, okay?" 

Groaning in frustration, he complained, "You have become just like the old grumpy Sebastian." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "I'll attend the meeting if you promise to cuddle with me after lunch for some time." 

"I promised Markus that I'll meet him as soon as I am done with my lunch." 

Scrunching his brows, he inquired, "Markus? You still meet him?" When she nodded her head, he frowned deeper, "So you would rather go to meet him than cuddle with me? So you like him more than my warm cuddles?" 

"What? When did i say that?" she chuckled.