Big fuss

"Big fuss? How can you say that?" Scrunching his brows, he complained, "You left me alone in this big house." 

"Only for two days—" 

"But still, I was cold and alone," he further added. 

Pinching his nose, she retorted, "Let me remind you Mr. Sebastian Stewart, you used to live alone in this house." 

"That was before, things have changed now. I can't handle the loneliness anymore, I need my cuddles." 

"Well then, how are you going to stay here alone for a whole week?" she chuckled. 

Puffing his cheeks, he complained, "Don't even remind me of that, I am still not okay with you going to Seattle with Melissa." 

"Seb, it's her wedding and I am the maid of honor. I have responsibilities." 

"Well, you have responsibilities towards me as well. What about that? Who will fulfil those?" he remarked.