
Looking at Rebecca, she scoffed, "How hard is to accept that mother? Why is it so hard for you to make peace with it? Sebastian loves Ellie and they are getting married, can't you just be a bigger person for the first time and accept it? Why do you have to try and force things on Sebastian even now?" 

"What were you thinking when you called Vincent and told Bryce to fetch Ellie alone? Is winning over your own kids so important that you are willing to resort to something so disturbing?" Pausing for a while, she added, "Imagine someone doing something like this with your daughter? How would you feel at that time? Would you feel happy and satisfied?" 

"Ellie is leaving everything behind to become a part of our family, is this how we are going to treat her and make her feel?" Walking towards Ellie, Ava sighed, "I seriously don't know what to tell you and how to apologize. I am very ashamed of whatever happened Ellie, I—"