The Wedding(Finale)

"Though that is normal amongst the brides, Ellie isn't the one getting a cold feet." When both of them gave him a weird look, Noah explained, "It's Ellie's dad who is getting one." 

"What?" Sebastian and Arthur exclaimed in unison. 

Bursting into a hearty laughter, Arthur yelled, "You are kidding right?" 

Looking at the crowd who were now staring at them because of the sudden laughter and yelling, Noah nervously chuckled, "Uncle, can you be a little soft? People are staring at us and it's awkward." 

"Seriously dad, don't laugh like that. How will Ellie feel if she finds out you are making fun of her dad like this?" Sebastian sighed. 

"Okay, I won't laugh even though it's super funny and I can barely control myself." 

Just then Samuel arrived along with Jeremy, Melissa's father. "Arthur, we just heard about Harry getting a cold feet." 

The three men then start laughing hysterically making Sebastian and Noah sigh in desperation.