Wanderer Guild troubles and helping out

- 5 hours later-


The Game really went the distance in some instances. Making the wait for walk-ins the same as it would be in real life. The Wanderer Guild was still packed over time. But one thing was for sure, the Users were merrily enjoying themselves. Only a few used outside game terms and mannerisms.

(Sub Stat Up: Finger Strength + 1)

(Through continuous movement and exercising, the User has increased sub-stat. Additional strength and damage output to hand-based movements.)

The entire time waiting, Vladis was tapping his fingers in a rhythm. A social tick under most eyes but training really for himself. He also looked at each person over in front of him.

First by individual subrace then back to the individual gender and aesthetics of them. Thinking over each standard characteristic they had in detail. His aim was to force skills and stat increases out from memory.

(Skill: Evaluation I Acquired)

(Through continuous observation and thought, the User has learned Evaluation. Additional insights and information obtained while observing.)

'Sweet!' With that awarded, Vladis received a skill point. 'After I register, I am totally going to the library and a few places to scope out afterward. The acquired info from the library will count to make up for the information I know. As well as helping build towards more skills and stat unlocks. Who knows, I might learn something new.''

"Next!" The Beastfolk attendant called the next in the lineup. Vladis was next after this person.

'I need to read almost all the basics of every major and minor book in the beginning villages. Not only do I get stats but it will also fill in for information gaps I know in the future. Damn developers get super nosy early on. In fact very interested in our thoughts on certain "Events" that take place.'

Vladis was pulled from his thoughts noticing a little fairy up top of the support beam. He gave a wave and watched as it dived down into his hair.

"Haha ok."

"You do not mind?" The fairy asked. The fairy was two inches tall. With silver long hair. Bristling with magical power. Vladis did not even try to turn hostile against it. That was instant death. That and the fairies brought more good than harm from what he could remember so far. That was the rumor anyway. "Strange one aren't you?"

The full bodice would have looked deadly to anyone else. But something about the fairy's demeanor was friendly. Vladis chucked it up to magic.

"No. Just try not to get it dirty or anything. It is just hair." Vladis said cheerfully. There was no reason to be mean to the fairy. Since a lot of stuff is revealed later that the little creatures did a lot for Wanderers. That and the rumor they were the Nuc's Helpers used in-game. 'Should be fun in the future. Maybe a "Secret Dimension" can unlock from it.'

"What if I call some friends over?" The fairy did a little flyby around his head. A little magic spell went off. As this was checking him over, the fairy was diving into his mind probing his thoughts. Considering his level and current skill list, Vladis didn't resist. Palms sweating and sphincter tightening, he calmed his mind as best he could. "My name is Noin. Nice to meet you Vladis."

Vladis gave a small smile in return. With the check over, he felt relief. Thinking that nothing weird showed up in his mind was something to be thankful for. He still was not going to act to carelessly just yet.

A few things could be explained with the game still in the buggy state. So there was that going for him.

To have gotten the name of a fairy was something else. So good things there. A rumor bubbled in the back of his mind about meeting 10 fairies and getting their name.

A quest that only some completed.

But it was to old of a passage to remember correctly.

"As long as it does not get in the way of things I do or inconvenience me, like bring trouble or get me attacked for no reason, I do not care." Vladis shrugged. 'Have to have a few limitations right?' A few seconds later, five more fairies flew into his hair. "Haha, what a strange party."

"Eh, he really doesn't mind. Neat!" A blue fairy said. She was near his left ear and leaned against the back of the lobe. "Comfy." Her little glasses slid on her face from the movement. A bit of Vladis's hair was used as a blanket. If it was not so noisy, the little fairy might have fallen asleep instantly.

"I say there.." a fairy in red said. She was the only one with a different hairstyle. Cut a little short to the ears. "..if we eat food and drinks but clean up right after, will it be ok?"

"As long as I do not get irritated by it or it draws magic beast attention, then its ok." Vladis took a step forward after the person in front moved away. "Hi, I would like to register if you have the time."

"Ah of course. Just fill this.. oh you already did it." The attendant took the paperwork with happiness and process it. It made the work much easier this way.

"Yeah, I saw the form by the door when entering. And seeing everyone at the desk had one, I put two and two together."

"A lot of people do not do that." The attendant voiced lowly. So many were just so excited to play that the matters were generally missed out on.

"Hmm." Vladis turned around and looked at the various lines of people. It would not go well these times as well. "Excuse me!" getting everyone's attention he used telekinesis on the paperwork as he raised his voice loudly over the voices. "If you are here to register, raise you hand!"

The majority of the room raised their hands. Including people that were sitting down waiting for the lines to dwindle. Vladis placed one in each of their hands. Putting his focus on the task, he could feel his control increasing at an alarming rate.

"Fill this out to hurry things along. I know most of us are new to the town and do not know the customs, but the signs say they close at 8 on the weekdays. That is in two hours..." Vladis said. He had a small smile on his face to help promote sincerity. 'Need to get a little goodwill. Rather they second guess if they see me later and not attack me. A few added seconds go a long way.'

The crowd looked around to check the time themselves. They started to get rowdy but settled down when the next words were heard.

"Calm down! I think we can get this done in no time! The sooner we do, the sooner everyone can do everything they need to! Like get out and explore!" Mentally Vladis was cursing himself. The best thing would be to blow them off and leave. But then that would not help him.

The other Users nodded and started to help each other fill things out. Some for the process to go faster. Others knowing they needed to come back tomorrow with their friends to get things done.

"Haaa, thank you so much. Here is your Id. Everything was fine, just your class was not listed correctly. You had it listed as Mage. Is that right?" The beastfolk attendant was very happy for the help like the others. So happy he just made a big mistake.

"Umm yes. Why are you prying?" Vladis asked suspicious of the attendant. His eyes squinted dangerously, "I had my info checked off as secure and even placed my account info for the additional charge."

"Ah.." The attendant face went red as he looked back at the form. Seeing the privacy mark was checked along several locations made the situation problematic. Then a frown appeared as he knew he would get in trouble for breach of rules. 'This new arrival knows the rules? I cannot believe I slipped up like this.' With Vladis face twisted in a snarl, he couldn't help but become fearful. "I am so sorry.. I will fix it now. Please forgive me."

Vladis said nothing while it was fixed. He focused on listening to the few murmurs. Only a few people in line had heard the conversation. Stepping out of the line, he was approached by a few others wanting help from him.

"Hey, please help me. I cannot understand some of this. Sorry, I have Word Jumble Syndrome." A burly male elf said.

"Haaaa, sure." Sighing, Vladis moved over and started helping. Thinking about all the different problems people with this condition had, he felt enough sympathy to help out.

The hours passed on by quickly. Even passed the time of 10. For some reason, they didn't close on time. The crowd was vastly lowered compared to before at least.

"All finished. How did you do over their Bruno?" Vladis asked looking over at the burly elf.

"Good. Your trick worked well. I had a few Mages cast "Word Speech" in the group. Combined with "Search Word" it was a synch. " Bruno pointed to about 40 people that had the same condition as him. A support group that got together online to help one another. They did not survive past the third "game event" if memory served. "Anyway, how can we pay you back?"

Vladis thought over the basic level spells that anyone could learn. It was in a low published Game Magazine on how it worked. He learned the spells much later, but he could use it with know problem like a few others could in the late play.

Pre-game spells helped a lot later in-game.

(Word Speech: Allows caster to speak written words they know coherently. Ignores mental effects.)

(Search Word: Searches the caster mind for meaning of the word and gives accurate definition. Ignores mental effects.)

"Do not sweat it. It helped me calm down and help everyone out a little. Have to do good deeds once in a while." Vladis gave him a smile and a handshake before turning to leave. The Attendee flagged him down before he made it to the door.

"Yes?" He forgot all about the Id change and would just come back later. Vladis spoke as neutrally as possible.

"A reward for you. Everyone was more than happy to stay a few hours today than to come in early tomorrow." With a bowed head, the attendant passed over a small parcel. It was no bigger than a 3X3 cube. The standard container for items.

(Secret Quest Complete: Registration Issue I

The mass influx of Users that arrived caused a problem in almost every Wanderer branch. Because of slight panicking and blaming the new staff think things were just awful. You have prevented several from quitting on the first day of gameplay.

Rewards: Reputation Beginner Villages increased by 200, Threaded Vest Gathering Rank III, Acolyte Kit, Essences 30)

(Secret Quest Complete: Registration Issue II

The Users with Jumble Syndrome were greatly neglected on Rp & PvE servers due to realism mode. The branches have adjusted accordingly and saved themselves a huge headache for the future.

Rewards: Reputation Beginner Villages increase 300, Threaded Pants Gathering Rank IV, Mailing Magic unlocked, Essences 45)

(Reputation with Wanderer Guild has risen to Guest from Customer.)

Vladis checked his Essences bar. Basically, the experience that rose with interactions such as training, quests, missions, tasks, and objective completion. Another way was to just cultivate and turn it to mana to help yourself.

'Almost leveled up. Hmm, finishing these two quests kind of puts me ahead in what I wanted to do. need to hurry and get the smaller stuff done all the same.'

The fairies in his hair taking a keen interest in the User, Especially Noin.