Arena Trouble.. biting into a problem

"You should have apprehended them instead of killing them." The Enforcer watched Vladis critically. His coding updating in real-time to handle the situation more. "You are going to have to come with me."

"Fat chance!" Vladis ran straight at the guy. Soon as he was close, he jumped off the wall and shot off toward the Arena. 'If he is legit, this will be no problem. If he is dirty... well I am boned for awhile.'

"Eh, you should be fine." Noin said. You should have not left the needle in that guy's eye though. Get ready."

"Ready for.." Vladis felt the essences rush into him from behind. "No freaking way." The notifications for a quest he didn't know about coming through.

(User has stumbled on a Quest that spans far to every Beginner Village and Beyond. Can keep solo or share with Wanderer Guild.)

'Share with the Wanderer Guild. Not doing this myself. Plus it went badly when a few others tried the same thing. Some quests, deserve to be hogged for personal enjoyment. Others not so much. If I do not want to be labeled a Villain this time, I need to share certain things.'

"Proud of you." Noin said over-friendly to him. "I will take care of it to keep your name out of it. Can not tell you how though. But go to the Wanderer Guild later to collect the rewards."

"Alright." Vladis stopped in front of the Merfolk. Dropping off the package he was happy he didn't drop the thing. "Here you go. The others might have run into thieves, so cut them some slack if you can."

"That explains the damage from the last batch. I will keep a lookout. What kind of thieves though?" The little merfolk instructed the others to take the packages away as Vladis told everything that happened.

A few minutes later and he finished. A few other Wanderers came over beat up. They delivered the packages and took off happy as can be. Vladis spotted one of them with the dress Persia had on. Most likely another thief dropped it and she put it on.

"Would you mind delivering this to Rikolo?" Vladis stared at the paperwork and the weird smile on the merfolk's face. It creeped him out something fierce.

"Sure." Turning he walked away but bumped into the Hyena Beastfolk. "Sorry about that." The name appeared and revealed Ninal. From his clothing, you couldn't determine if he was a Rogue or Shadow Warrior.

"It is ok." Ninal gave a wave and Vladis walked off. "Alright, none of it damaged this time." Looking at the packages, he couldn't get rid of the smile.


-Arena Lobby-


"That's him right there!" An Enforcer yelled. Vladis was quickly surrounded the moment he stepped in the area. "We need you to come with us!"

Vladis looked at his quest time and thought about it. But he would not have first place at this rate. Thinking it over, he really wanted the prize. Despite not knowing what it was. But he couldn't maneuver through this large crowd with no problem.

"I need to turn in a quest... so how about I go. Then come back?"

"That is not how this works. How do we know you will return for one?"

"I swear if I do not return you can ban me from every arena." Vladis said seriously as can be while raising his hand up. It was not a loss really, since he hated the arena. He would still be able to go into the monster ones if need be. "I swear upon your Martial God."

The Enforcers looked at each other over and nodded. Vladis found it odd they agreed. The invoking of the Marital God only had a little sway for some. It did not matter really till late in the game. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, he walked away.

At the entrance, he ran into a problem. The Enforcer from before was walking straight for him. Hand outstretched and used the spell Lockdown! With them on Arena grounds, the casting time was reduced to nothing.

Lockdown: Prevent the use of spells. As well as increasing the weight a person was under. Vladis did not have anywhere near enough stats to get free.

"What the hell kind of crap is this?! The arena just attacks people for no reason!" Vladis yelled at the top of his lungs. Several people in the area looked over. They started to murmur amongst each other in disgust. "I know the Arena hates Wanderers, but this is just criminal!"

"That is not true at all!" The Enforcer retorted. As he moved closer, he noticed that Vladi's health was really low from constantly struggling to get free. "Settle down!"

"For you can rob me? No way!" Pushing mana in his body helped speed up the recovery. But it also made him really tired. "Let me go!" The name that appeared caused Vladis to almost lose control. 'All my luck, blasted torturer Crumm! I have the devil's luck I swear!'

Crumm was a monster that went unchecked for the longest of time. He had a few people backing him. They were not part of the Arena but part of the first Major City in the area. Vladis tried even harder to get the Enforcer in trouble. If even one person was dealing with this monster, then that was a boon.

A few Users may lose levels in the process but someone had to do it.

"I will after you are brought in for questioning." Crumm grabbed Vladis and hoisted him over his shoulder. But he did not get far as someone else came running by.

"Hey, that is the Enforcer that killed Wendy! He was helping the thieves escape a few minutes ago!" A user by the name of Haebaodx yelled. They were covered head to toe in a cloak hiding their race from people. "He even robbed her!"

"That is right!" A user that was running for the event said coming through. "I saw him attack someone else yesterday. Just for not paying a bribe!"

All around several people started throwing accusations out. The Enforcer Crumm started sweating and put Vladis down to explain. Another Enforcer came over to try and get the crowd to calm down. It did not work. Several more were called over to help. Vladis was meanwhile rolling away in the confusion. It was painful and degrading, but freedom worked better.

'Gonna need to get my strength back to come and kill these bastards!' Vladis thought. Due to the rolling, he was unfocused and had used Telepathy by mistake. Noin flew out and looked at him while floating.

'You can not do that. It would put a target on your back. There are other ways to get back at them. If you agree that is.'

Vladis did not know why but he wanted to listen to the fairy. Right as he made it into an alley, the spell came undone. His health and mana were shit. Thinking about the blood he stored from the elf, he looked around before drinking it.

"Bottoms up!"

(Racial Increased. Transformation up by 2. Error detected. New abilities locked.)

'Do not worry about that. Tomorrow an update is going out to fix some things. Partially due to you.' Noin thought as Vladis walked. 'A lot of Help tickets were solved pertaining to some things instead of spending time on those with Jumble Syndrome.'

One way his interference helped the situation.

'Neat. So I will hold off on spending my stat points then. As well as Skill points still.' Vladis broke into a sprint to turn the quest in. He could feel someone following him from behind. A quick look alerting him that he was in the back alleys. 'Tch all the damn luck!'

"Nowhere to run now!" A thief came from the shadows up top. He jumped at Vladis daggers out. "Die for my siblings!"

Vladis planted his left foot down and kicked up with his right. The weight from the thief's descent causing him to receive more damage. Spitting with the air knocked out of him, the thief tried to stab Vladis in the foot.

*Push!* Vladis used Levitate and sent the strike off course. The thief stabbed himself in the arm

"Uggh, you little shit." Clutching his arm, the Thief was getting ready to run away. Before he was 3 feet away, Vladis pulled on the dagger stabbed in the man's arm, and held on. His other hand grabbing a rain pipe to hold on. "Ahhh!" The thief screamed as the dagger slid through his arm separating his fingers and palm.

*Crush!* From the telekinetic force, Vladis almost broke the pipe. He let go not wanting to get caught damaging someone's property.

'Vladis, grab him and drank his blood! If you do, he will not respawn as normal!' Noin said helpfully. Vladis paused for a moment before grabbing on. 'Your Turn ability is one of the things that are coming with the update. So I am not breaking any rules telling you about something you should already have.'

*Chomp!* Vladis bit down and drained the thief of his health. This caused Vladis mana to regenerate at an alarming rate. Once fully drained, The thief was limp in Vladis arms.

(Villain Quest: Started. The Thieves are consorting with Vampires that you have made. Continue to infect them without getting caught.)

(Racial Increased. Transformation up by 2. Error detected. New abilities locked.)

'This will not end well at all.' Vladis looked down in agitation. But Noin floated over smiling. 'Why are you happy!?'

'Because, you are two low level for them to think it is you. The game is already thinking of ways to fix the Glitch. The best way to make sure Vampires are not hunted in the future is if a Vampire helps solve the problem. Gonna make you into a hero to help!'

"Ehhh." Vladis paused as he felt some things connect mentally. But he couldn't' be sure about what. 'She is part of the game so she most likely knows about that event for the future.. But then again, what if it is not planned yet? Even with us at the status of friends, this would be a big help. I feel like I am missing something though.'

*Poof!* The thief he killed disappeared. He was a low-level vampire and went back to the respawn area. Valdis received less experience than normal from the kill.

'I will prove I am on your side Vladis.' Noin said more human and friendlier than he thought possible. A strange sensation passed through Vladis. He turned to look into the distance and felt the presence of another Vampire. Not just the Thief he turned. 'Do not worry,' Noin got his attention. 'The Fairy Ring prevents them from finding you. It is a good item.'

"Haa, I need to build my reputation up with your kind to get this thing unlocked." Vladis sighed and shot off to turn in his Quest. 'Guess I need to head back to the arena afterward to clean my good name.'