Questing a little Part 2

"Yeah, I am. I just never had any enjoyment from the small ones. Every now and then they are ok." Rosso looked around the area intently. She was training her eyes to see small changes in the darkness. 'Hmm, the lamps need adjustment better. This is worse than in the countryside back home. Unless...'

Seeing further down the way, Rosso spotted the crossway lights were brighter.

"You should get ready. Trouble is here." Vladis said lowly. He took the packages from the baker assistant. "Sir, get inside and lock the doors. It is about to get really dangerous." No need to let the worker get caught up in this. The food smelled good after all, and he wanted some for later.

"Of course." The old assistant baker nodded and closed the door promptly. The lock bar closing shut right after. "Best of luck!" He called to them. Already moving inside towards the security glyph.

A few figures could be made in the darkness.

"So... three on the left are yours. I will take whatever else pops up." Vladis said calmly. Rosso was already charging at the three that came from the left. 'She wants the more difficult, so she can have em.'

No need to compete with such a person. but he wondered a little why she was not on a Pvp server.

In front of Vladis, a spear stabbed out. Followed by a second one. Stepping back, two Infiltrators dressed like Nightwatchmen were visible. In the darkness of the night, it was not noticeable what they carried. But up close very easy to do so.

The Infiltrators tampered with the lighting to ambush the Nightwatchmen and who ever delivered food on patrols. Hungry guards made for bad judgement and easy take downs.

(Nightwatch Quest: The Northwind gang have moved thieves into the Beginner Villages. If they are not stopped, criminal activity will become prevalent. Part 2/5 of main Quests in the Village.)

(NorthWind Gang Defeated: 0/20)

"Fun!" Vladis was pumped. As the spears were still outstretched, he pulled on them both. Both Infiltrators fell forward from the abrupt action. Vladis was faster than them both, his hands grabbed both by the throat. "Hup!" He threw one on the ground. The second used a thief skill to get free.

*Poof!* He used Smoke Escape aware that something was amiss by the basic action. Turning intangible for 3 seconds. The cooldown was 10 minutes usually, offset by the opponents he faced cultivation level.

The dagger was thrown into the darkness.

"Ahh!" The Infiltrator yelled. 'I will make whoever did that pay!'

It hit him directly in the butt. The plan was to hunt him down towards the others.

'Hmmm?' Vladis noticed the Infiltrator on the ground was of a different race. He had no idea which one. That was weird in itself. 'No body is nearby, so....' Grabbing the dazed Infiltrator, he pinned the arms back and bit the neck.

'Drain him of all his mana.' Noin thought to him. 'You can not turn him. His race is protected. Not gonna tell you which one.' Draining every bit of mana, Vladis felt funny. He snapped the neck and took the essences in after cutting the bite area. 'He will not respawn. He is generic.'

(NorthWind Gang Defeated: 1/20)

'Going to chase the other one!' Vladis sent Telpathetically to Rosso. He was already on the move. Grabbing the spears that were left behind with Telekinesis. 'Scream if you need help!'

"Pffft! As if! I guarantee I will take more down than you and faster!" Rosso yelled into the night.

'You just made it harder. I am pretty sure they heard you.' Vladis thought back. He had the feeling she meant to do that to increase the difficulty. 'Meet at the Wanderer Guild in two hours.' Spotting an Infiltrator attacking someone, Vladis threw the Spear like a Javelin. Without the proficiency, a great bit of the damage would be negated.

*Woosh!* The spear cut through the air with ease. A few feet away, Vladis wrapped it in magic to boost the power and precision. Guiding it along with mage hand a little.

*Splurt!* It pierced right through the backside long enough for the person getting attacked to strike back.

"Later! Be careful!" Vladis yelled. Following the blood droplets lead to an alleyway. He did not really care about recovering the spear. He still had another one to throw. 'I need to take down another one that someone is fighting to get credit for one. Not really a bad mechanic.'

In an Rp server, that was the formula for giving credit. Prevent kill stealing a little bit. However, in Dimensional Zones, this did not apply. This was for the regular and special Event quests mostly as well.

"Get em!" Two Infiltrators came from the rooftops. One more came from around the corner. One ran down the side directly at Vladis. The second held on to the window ledge. Aiming a crossbow, he fired.

*Schup!* The bolt cut through the air but did not hit Vladis. It caught the first Infiltrator in the back of the head.

"What the hell!?" The Third cried out. He looked over at Vladis and saw him running towards him. The smirk giving way that he had something to do with it. "What tech.." The third Infiltrator ducked at Vladis threw the spear at him. 'That was close!'

The second was reloading his crossbow. A difficult thing to do when leaning from a ledge.

Wrapping his hand in mana, Vladis punched the Infiltrator in the face. Another strike went towards the man's right eye. The Infiltrator dodged the second blow by jumping back.

"No gear, you must be ready to die?" Feeling a presence behind him, the Infiltrator turned. The spear shot passed his face. Vladis was wielding it with Telekinesis. "Hah! Yah missed."

*Splurt!* Vladis had grabbed the spear and stabbed the man in the back of the throat. With a twist, it was pulled free sending blood out. The sides doing enough damage to end the man's life.

Health -6

A cross-bolt caught Vladis in the back. He was not really worried about the one on the windowsill. Turning to face him, Vladis floated the bolt out. He sent it flying towards the man's arm. At the same time sprinting towards the building.

*Tap!* The Infiltrator felt the danger and kicked off the ledge. Dodging the bolt and grabbing onto the otherside, he dropped the crossbow. Not wasting any time, he climbed up onto the roof fleeing.

"Who said you could leave?" Vladis used Shift appearing right in front. A kick delivered right to the man's face. The Infiltrator did a cross block and pushed Vladis back. "Oh?"

The Infiltrator pulled out two daggers and took a very aggressive stance. His body pulsing in strength. Mana raged out as he grew stronger and changed. A characteristic of the Beastfolk. In danger, they were able to pull on the animal they shared traits with to gain strength.

'An Ape. It must be my lucky day. The blood will serve well for future recipes. Just have to kill him in this state.' Vladis was already charging to strike a deadly blow. 'He should finish right before I attack.' Vladis was right as the man's info changed.

Level 3 Gathering Realm Rank V

"I am much stronger now!" The Infiltrator said smugly. "I.. ughh!" Vladis shut him up by slamming a telekinetic fist into the fool's mouth.

*Thump! Thump!* The force of the impact knocking the Infiltrator back and bouncing across the roof.

"A little push to help!" He mumbled to himself. Vladis did a telekinetic push towards the body and jumped into the air. 'Shift!' Appearing higher up in the air, he came down directly at the down Infiltrator.

"Kuff!" The Infiltrator had landed back down on the ground coughing up blood from the impact. "I am going to rip him apart!" Climbing out the little hole, he fell back still dazed.

"Barrier!" Vladis called just to get the man's attention. The mana flowed around his feet as he came down. 'Need to go get some boots for smashing!' Thinking at the last second, he created an axe blade from telekinesis at the bottom of his feet.

*Schlick!* The force of the impact cut the body halfway. Vladis's stats were too low. But the odd thing, was that the semi created axe received his bonus.

"Whoops. Sorry, not sorry." Vladis said going up with the use of Shift. "I meant to kill you out right."

"Wait..." The Infiltrator was trying to stall for time. Vladis could already feel more coming to the area. ".. just.." Turning on his decent, Vladis cut a cross in the man. The essences poured into him. Giving just enough to push him over in level and realm.

'I need to spend my stat points. The skill points I can still wait on.'

(NorthWind Gang Defeated: 4/20)

(Level Up, Gathering Realm VI)

"Raaaahhh!" Dumping the points into his Intelligence, Vladis felt the game coding working with his mind. Several things were correcting in his memory. Gaps in the new stuff making a good change over. 'The update will fix a lot. A whole lot. Soon I will be able to remember once I break through higher.'

(Due to System Maintenance, several Issues are under correction. We thank you for your patience.)

The note was definitely something to pay attention to. At least the Users were getting heads up about what was going on more.

'Vladis, when the update goes through I have something really important to share with you.' Noin said floating over. She watched as Vladis pulled the equipment into his inventory. 'He is learning fast. I need to make sure the plan will work on telling him about why he needs to stay in this game.'

'No problem.' Vladis answered her. 'The bugs in the game are bad for the first month. Then again, four months later. I think the helping in the Wanderer Guild the first day is coming back to bite me in the butt. I mean... those people did not quit, so more server lag.'

Finding a Bangle, Vladis looked it over intently. His Telekinesis gathering a little of the blood for later use.

Infiltrator's Bangle: Gathering Rank V

Class: Specific

"Selling it." Vladis watched as a few more Infiltrators moved into the alley. "Hi guys, you will not believe what happened here." Bloodlust covered the entire alleyway. Talking was not going to work here really. "Aww, that is so cute."

(Due to enemies pressure, skill has progressed to Bloody Body Gathering Rank XI)

"Raaaahh!" An Infiltrator screamed. Vladis had used Shift to appear in front of the Infiltrator. It was a weak one at level 1. So killing him was easy. His hand shaped like an axe strike a cut across easily enough. As the Infiltrator's head flew in the air, more essences started to gather.

"Ahh!" Another screamed as Vladis shaped the spilling blood into needles and lodged them into another's face.

"Take him down!" The leader yelled in a panic. The four at the other end of the alley fired their crossbows. It was a dumb move. Vladis ducked and let them hit the two that charged towards him. "Melee you, idiots! Waaah!" The leader yelled before ducking. The Priest behind him, not so lucky.

"Aiiiiie!" The cross-bolt lodged in his forehead as he ran around trying to pull it out. The others would find it funny if not for the situation at hand.