Fairy meeting.. just not the Fairies you may have wanted..

Vladis logged back on fully and was bombarded with notifications. He was not the only one from the sound of people in the inn. Some were screaming, some where absolutely giddy with wild laughter.

(Titles unlocked: Violent Man, Versatile User, Mana Burner, SubRace Killer)

(Vampire Spells: Turn, Speak Undead, Blood Sonar)

(Skills: Primal Weapons)

"Vladis, once you Breakthrough your Cultivation will grow crazy from your memory. So hurry up!" Noin said from his hair. She wanted to say more but held it off. "I am gonna take you to the Fairy Realm for a few minutes then back here. It is just for your weapon advancements. The Wanderer mission from turning in quest over to others, paid big. The rewards are in your inventory."

*Bloop!* Vladis disappeared from the inn. He reappeared in the Fairy Realm in a small desert clearing.

"Better here, especially if you receive all the ones that you have received during the last time. I think you can go all the way to level 10 right now actually." Noin scanned the area for other Fairies. Only a few on the outskirts showed up. 'They will most likely swarm over after the ruckus.'

(3rd to visit the Fairy Realm. True Friend of the Fairies unlocked.)

"It will be fine. Maybe.." Vladis unequipped his clothing and armor. The rings were the only things on his body. "We can do it slowly."

*Swirl!* The essences poured out from the Fairy Ring quickly. It flooded his body forcing him to circulate his Cultivation quickly.

*Woosh!* The sand in the immediate area shot away. Noin flew into Vladis's hair holding on quickly. essences from the area pouring in from the surroundings to add on to it. Unlike the Main World, the Fairy Realm worked opposite time wise. It was night time now.

Clear white light entered Vladis. It was Moonlight essences.

(Level Up x2)

Only a small portion had entered him at this time. The strength of his mana rose up. When he finished, it would take less to use the spells without dropping the strength. Vladis circulated Light of Body Reckoning Gathering Rank XII nonstop. The pain was small as his apertures burned from the flow.

'4 stat points to Flexibility to ease it over.' His body was able to handle it a lot better after that. The Moonlight poured down like rainfall. His understanding of his Primary would usually give insights on the combat skills, new spells, or possible traits. But he already knew them so no time wasted on it. 'Let's see what else is in here now that Light Body was added in.'

Focusing on that avenue, Vladis sent his thoughts towards that avenue. It was like walking down several hallways. One hallway was dimly lit. But not for long. Sending the mana that way lit it up like the Northern Lights.

Inside Vladis came across a door. The door was the proverbial block towards not understanding something. Each Rank had doors blocking things off. Rising through them, the door would disappear and would send the information.

At first, it resisted but Vladis peered through and grasped the concept of it. It related well with his Spell Barrier. Thinking how the spell worked caused the two to combine and strengthen. Vladis moved on to the next doors breaking them down.

(Barrier has improved due to Insight. Barrier VIII acquired.)

(Passive Skill Light Screen has strengthened. Now provides increase protection from elements.)

'I have to think Rosso. I was not planning on looking into elemental resistance until later. It will rise well with what I have now. The little add on to the difficult to cultivate it should not show up to the late stages.' Vladis didn't dwell long as the essences in the ring poured out. It would take a lot to Breakthrough to the next rank. 'Eh, did I get compensation from the Glitch?'

'Yes. Both you and Rosso have. Considering the difficulty and what happened awarded decent essence. Enough to push up abilities really well at the very least.' Noin thought back to him. She was focusing on the fairies that finally paid attention. 'Time to let the other stuff out!'

*Woosh!* The sand pushed out again as Vladis moved up to the next Realm. He went into the Pillar Realm with ease and could feel the mana change. It was strong and sturdy. His mind racing faster as his understanding made things better. His memory activating instantly.

(User has broken into the Pillar Realm Rank I. All stats increase by 1.)

(Bloody Body Pillar Rank II, Primal Weapons Gathering Rank XII, Mace Gathering Rank XII)

(Light of Body Reckoning Pillar Rank XII)

(Spells acquired: Light Bomb, Spell Lock, Mute, Disable, Light Bulb, Flash Fire)

The spells from the Cultivation and his class as a Mental mage would take a while to understand. A few tries would mostly likely unlock the strength a little better. Vladis was tempted to spend his skill points but continued to hold on.

"Hmm still restricted, But that is by regular code. Weapons besides Axe limited to a Realm below I take it?" Vladis asked Noin who float in front of him. She gave a nod as she looked him over. "That is ok. Was that all of the essence inside?"

"Nope, locked it back up. I didn't think you would be able to absorb the Moonlight already. In fact, try to take it in with out using any of your Cultivations currently."

*Shine!* The pale glow travelled over his body before stopping.

(User has stumbled across Pure Moonlight Essences. Requires 10 Skill points to learn.)

"10 skill points.. to learn something with the Moonlight. Sounds like to much." Vladis was about to decline when a Fairy rammed into his chest. "Ooof, you little bullet. Careful." The fairy paid no mind as it continued to rub his chest. She was almost drooling. "I am not food!" But it was to late.

"Nummy!" She bit Vladis flesh almost killing him.

Health -100

"Grab her!" Another Fairy ordered. Noin disappeared into Vladis's hair. She was a lot bigger than these Fairies. And did not want any trouble. "Rather she does not kill him!"

"So do I!" Vladis yelled as he recovered. His fangs already out as well as a blood haze. 'Little monster almost one-shotted me. Stupid Elite Monsters. Get me out of here Noin!'

'Just wait a bit.' Noin thought to him. 'See what they want.'

"Ahh, it burns!" The Fairy that bit Vladis started to convulse. She was going through the Turn. "Such tasty mana!" Little fangs appeared as her wings went from two to four leathery ones. In a few minutes, she was fine. "I feel fine again. In fact, better than ever!"

"How did you do it!?" The fairies stared at Vladis. They could feel the link but nothing else between the two. The one in charge introduced herself and floated in front of him.

"I am Volo, leader of these wild fairies. What are you?" Besides the tunics and different hair colors, they looked the same as other fairies. Well, only an inch tall. Instead of two. "Sorry for the biting.. she is young and your mana is tempting."

*Pulse!* The Fairies healed Vladis and were upset he put his clothes and equipment on. His muscles were tense and ready to run at a moment's notice. It masked most of his mana output.

"I am not a fairy for one. How about that?" Vladis felt things were dangerous. Hopefully, the little monsters wouldn't attack at once. 'I have like 1 low chance to get out of her with Shift. But if the little one speed is an indicator, I doubt I could get to far away.'

"We are sorry. But no one comes here. This desert is barren and we will will not live much longer. Maybe another 100 years or so. Then it is death." Volo said. The other fairies floated around his head sniffing his hair. The effects of it being a Fairy Home calling them. "If you help, we will help you if we can."

(Legendary Quest: The Fairies of the Desert Home is on the verge of destruction. They believe in a 100 years it will be uninhabitable. That is not the case. In a month they will all die. As a Fairy Home, the User is able to transport Fairies. Will you accept the Quest?)

"Haaa, gonna die. Just know it." Vladis sighed and accepted. "Sure. I am literally turning into a hotel."

(Fairy reputation increased by 1200 has Risen to Fairy Savior)

*Whistle!* A fairy whistled and more flew over. They disappeared into little light motes and occupied his hair.

Volo floated over into his pocket. Noin activated the return spell.

*Bwoom!* Vladis was back in the room within the inn.

"Ooh, nice smell here." Volo said. She floated out and looked around for a bit. Not finding anything she floated into light and disappeared into his hair like the others. "I look forward to the place you find."

"So... what happens if my hair gets cut?" Vladis asked Noin.

"Nothing geez. They exist in a small dimension around your head technically. Your hair is just a doorway of sorts. Do not worry, they will sleep for a while to recover." Noin sat on the table looking at his bothered face. "The Fairies are all wiped in the future remember? They are a group that dies first. Better for you to save them yes?"

"I guess. But where can I possibly find for them to stay?" Vladis was not even worrying about the difficulty of the Quest. It would not get done anytime soon. "Forget it, need to meet with Rosso anyway. Glad the Magical Mailbox is installed."

Opening it, a letter floated out. A message from Rosso. It was time to start the Quest in about 3 minutes. He was close to being very late.

"Tch!" Vladis focused and pushed the spell Shift to the limit, his mana drained to 0 as he reappeared outside in the alley. He was already running towards the Training Facility. 'This bites. I wasted to much time there Noin!'

'Calm down. A skill is coming your way. The Game is still in the early stages remember? It will take a while before things catch up with you.' Noin said a little annoyed from the Shift. Vladis did it to quick she almost lost her grip. 'You have a lot of stat points to spend from the Titles you unlocked, how about you spend them.

(After trial and error, the User has learned to use mana more efficiently. Passive Skill: Mana Monger.)

Mana Monger: 2% of mana is returned with every cast spell.)

'See good right?' Noin asked already feeling his happy thoughts. 'The connection between us is growing faster. It does not help he is use to using Telepathy so much. If I take the block off, it would cause the game to take notice. If he would have picked up the sword or dark magic, it would have been such a problem.'

'Yeah yeah, whatever. I wonder how strong Rosso became?' Vladis was in for a surprise when he made it to the Training area. Rosso was decked out in full gear helm and all. A cape on her back that fluttered back and forth despite no wind. "Well, you look fancy."

"Thanks!" Rosso rubbed the back of her head slightly embarrassed. "it is all thanks to you actually." She walked over and passed a bag over. "You turned over a big quest to the Wanderer Guild. I did a little asking around and found out. A lot of Users are grateful for the no-name that turned it in. A lot of the Arena has been purged. But a few slithered out of persecution. A few quests have unlocked to take them down. Want to join?"

"No, I am good. Witch hunts are not my thing." Vladis shrugged her look off. Checking her over he was surprised at the growth. "Level 11 Gathering Rank XII, getting ready to Breakthrough soon?"

"Yeah, I am. Waiting to make sure I have everything I need. But you.." Rosso looked Vladis over and couldn't tell how strong he was. In fact, his Name appeared in black, letting her know she had a slim chance at beating him. "You still have the same gear."

"I will buy some later. The Training Axe will do well as you said." Vladis pulled the wooden Axe from the wall. "Ready to go?" Rosso nodded and the two moved to the back. The notification about the Moonlight Essences in her peripheral showing. 'Eh did I click yes by mistake.

(Moonlight Understanding. The user is able to Cultivate Light-based manuals at Nightime as if it was daylight. Mana Absorption increased by 10. Skills & Spells locked till Breaking Bonds Realm.)

'That is a long time Vladis.' Noin thought to him. As for your gear, in your inventory is something with your mana recovery.' Checking his bag, Vladis took out the boots and equipped them. 'The bot had trouble selecting so I choose the one of the best options for you.'

Boots of the Trailblazer Pillar Rank V

Increase in Wanderer Guild Reputation gain by 25%

Mana Regeneration 30%

Attack 5

Defense 15

Durability 500/500

Class: Any

'I really need to get my Attack up. Well, my Strength will be ok for now.' Vladis felt with the speedy recovery from the gear and the Training Facility he would be fully recovered before entering. "Hope your ready to get beat up? Cause that is the only thing I can think of is down here."

"We will be fine. I think..." Rosso mumbled.