A New Life

As the screen disappeared, a new one popped up.


Lv. 0 0/10

Title: none

Health: 10

Mana: 0

Strength: 0

Endurance: 0

Speed: 0

Stealth: 0

Charisma: 0

Magic: 0

Available stat points: 5

Skills: none

Equipment: none"

-"It seems like this is like one of those games I played when I was young. This could be very good for me, but I wonder why all my stats are 0, will I be reborn as a baby?"-

Elo had become uncaring of such little things through the years of war. Besides, he had always dreamed of being reincarnated in a videogame when he still was a child.

-"So, how am I going to invest my stat points? Since this seems to be like an APG game, I am pretty sure that almost every normal person would choose a fighting orientated build…

But that's what I did my whole first life, and it didn't work out for me at all. Even though I was one of the strongest soldiers in our entire country, my superiors could still put me on a suicide squad.

I had no real power; I was only a slightly better version of all the other soldiers. That's not power. The ones that could force me to go on a suicide mission without even knowing it… that are the ones with power.

This life I am going to be a person with real power, so I need excellent social skills to make other people fight for me. Social status is the only thing I didn´t have in my last life.

The only thing that can help me with that is the charisma stat. I am putting all 5 of my points in Charisma!"-

A faint "Ding" could be heard, and the screen in front of Elo changed.


Lv. 0 0/10

Title: none

Health: 10

Mana: 0

Strength: 0

Endurance: 0

Speed: 0

Stealth: 0

Charisma: 5

Magic: 0

Available stat points: 0

Skills: none

Equipment: none."

When the screen faded away, a new, smaller one appeared.

"Because you selected stats, you may choose out of three skills:

-Leaders authority (passive)

[ if you are the leader of your team:

-Followers: +10% for every stat (at least +1)]

-Healers blessing (passive)

[+50% healing speed]

-Golden Thumb (passive)

[You can achieve higher prices while selling and lower costs while buying on the market]"

-"Ok, this is easy, of course, I am going to pick leaders authority!"-


When the screen disappeared, his view suddenly changed. He saw a young, stark-naked man in a grey room. His pale skin was in stark contrast to his short brown hair and the dark circles under his eyes. Even though his eyes where closed Elo felt like the man was looking at him.

The body he saw before him belonged to none other than himself. Elo could still remember it pretty clearly, he had looked just like this, the day he had joined the army. At that time he still had a slender but muscular body and a smooth angular face. He wasn´t handsome, but he also wasn´t ugly by any means.

After a few seconds, Elo felt a force pulling on his consciousness again, but this time it didn´t hurt at all. It felt more like going home after a long day of work. Slowly but surely, he came closer and closer to his old body.

The last thing he saw was another screen that had popped up in front of him.

"Waiting for players 32/#*+~%&*"

Then his vision went black again.

// -"…"- means that Elo I thinking rather than speaking //