The King of a new World

Elo was very proud of himself. He had been working towards this moment for a long time.

He had gathered all of his vassals, friends, and Nobles. This day should become the most fabulous day of his second life.

The day, he would become the king of a new world.

His team had been working for days in the throne room, piling up all the little white stones he needed to finally become the king.

An hour before, the last guests had arrived. Now they were all waiting beside the pile of crystals in the throne room.

Every single one of them was an influential person, who either had a lot of land or was one of the strongest fighters in the entire known world.

But when Elo entered the room, nobody dared to speak. They were all like hypnotized by the overwhelming power that this one person radiated.

Even the golden dragon king bent his head in front of such incredible power.

Elo strolled through the room until he stopped in front of his golden throne. When he raised his hands, all those present went down on their knees and touched the floor with their foreheads.

To an outsider, it would have looked like they were praying to their gods, but there was no god, there was only Elo.

When he sat down, everyone slowly raised their head again.

"My dear friends, lords, and allies. I am happy that all of you made it to my coronation ceremony. Because I am sure that all of you still have much to do, let's start."

As he stretched out both of his hands in the direction of the pile of crystals, they suddenly started disintegrating into a cloud of fine gold dust, which was magically floating in Elo's direction.

As soon as the dust touched Elo, he started glowing in a golden light. The glow was only intensifying until the entire pile was finally gone.

When he opened his eyes again, they were not blue anymore, but golden and on his head sat the most glorious crown this world had ever seen.

The world's most talented Blacksmith, Rar, became green in envy. He had worked on the crown that had been meant for his king for over two months, but compared to the one that said on his new king's head, the crown he had made looked like trash.

Before he could throw up, two knights escorted him out of the throne room.

As soon as he escaped outside, to not ruin the ceremony, he started vomiting up all over the floor.

But even though the vomit and tears, he screamed it out with all of those inside the throne room.